Restoring the grade point average for changing majors in the new system

Restoring the grade point average for changing majors in the new system

Technical candidates to participate in experimental, mathematical or human exams must complete all courses
To restore or create records for the specialty of that field
It is noteworthy that if they pass the general courses of their field and have a good grade, there is no need to take any action and only create specialized records of the desired field.

Candidates who have an experimental diploma, but are applying for the mathematics entrance examination, must create records of calculus, geometry, and discrete mathematics courses, but there is no need to create records or restore physics courses.

A candidate with a diploma in mathematics who will be applying for the experimental entrance examination must only create records for the biology course and there is no need to create records for general courses. Likewise, the scores of arithmetic and geometry can be substituted for the experimental field of mathematics.

Candidates who have an experience diploma but are applying for the humanities entrance exam must create records in history, geography, science and technology, specialized Arabic, sociology and philosophy, but there is no need to create records or restore general courses.

A candidate with a diploma in mathematics who will be applying for human entrance exam must create records of history, geography, science and technology, specialized Arabic, sociology, and philosophy courses and there is no need to create records of general courses. did
