Roshana: Government employees

Government employees, attention, attention

Unfortunately, the inappropriate use of astronomical salary reform in the country affected the weak employees so that the government can propose to reduce the pension (salary calculation from two years to five years) and the end of service bonus of government employees (from one month per year to two days per year) ) in the 6th plan and by including this issue in the 6th development plan and obtaining the vote of confidence of the parliament to achieve the desired goals. For example, a retired person who retires now will receive a pension equal to 30 years, that is, 30 salaries, but according to the new law from 2016, only Ten salaries are rewarded and not 30 salaries. The more interesting thing is that the proposers of this plan are the academic staff of the universities, they are appointed in important positions in the country, and the members have excluded the academic staff and judges from this issue.

Respected representatives who support the oppressed people are requested to stop this inappropriate action, because since 17 years ago, the pension bonus has been one month per year and the average pension for many years is the average of the last two years. Therefore, we ask them not to approve this plan.

Therefore, dear colleagues, while sending this message to other groups and informing other cultural experts, let’s prevent the approval of this shameful and imposed plan that weakens the low-income cultural class and employees.
In order to follow up the full implementation of the law on the management of state services for educators and the special view of the government and parliament on education in the 6th development plan, the plan to send SMS messages to the officials of the system, media and newspapers with the participation of all educators of the country for three days will be implemented. we take off

SMS sending time

First week of August

We request the presence and support of all the cultured people of the country.

Please invite all colleagues to this nationwide and important action:

SMS numbers of officials of the system, media and newspapers

1- Office of Supreme Leader 30001619

2- SMS number of the president’s office is 11195

3- Presidential Institution 6000

4- SMS of Majlis 293400

5- SMS number of Ministry of Education 300012

6- Broadcasting Public Relations 30000162

7- One Sima network 300001

8- Do Sima network 300002

9- Three Sima network 300003

10- News network 1000601

11- SMS of the news magazine of One Sima channel 100001915

12- The SMS number of Khabar 20:30 TV channel 30002030

13- SMS system of Young Journalists Club 30006302

14- The SMS number of the morning courier of the national radio is 30000610

15- After the news at eight in the morning, 30000610

16- Special news talk on Channel Two 30002230

17- SMS of the Negah One program, 3000011

18- News magazine at nineteen hours 100001915

19- Voice SMS (radio) 30000351

20- Morning courier SMS number 30000610

21- Sima (television) SMS number 30000352

22-Naghah One SMS 3000011

23- SMS news chat 3002230

24- Nightly news SMS of Channel 3 10002200

25- Khabar network public relations SMS: 300006 / 1000601

26- News SMS at 20:00 602

27- SMS of Quds newspaper 30004567

28- Iran Newspaper 3000451213

29- SMS to send Hamshahri newspaper news: 300033 / 3000251 / 1000251

30- Fars News Agency 300011

31- SMS of Khorasan Newspaper 2000999

32- Khorasan newspaper telegram 09033337010

This post is written by Ta1ha2