Short article on tariffs 5

Short article on tariffs 5

Dear friends and colleagues, in the previous posts, we said about the basic problems and the tariff regulations, that each of them can affect the inconvenience and wages of the beneficiary community for years.

In the implementation and distribution phase, we will face other troubles and problems, but there is a possibility of correction.

But in the definition chapter, if a mistake occurs, it will take a lot of time to correct it.

One of the most important advantages of nursing tariffs
Separating the ranks of the nursing community from the administrative and support forces. Due to the influence these units had in controlling financial resources, they never got their due in the distribution of nursing income.

We have not forgotten that in the efficient distribution of Dandelion, whose founders and supporters were also the former vice president of nursing and the current head of the organization, the share of 27.5% was never realized, and the calculations showed that at best 12-14% was distributed among the community, and we observed that Karane Nurses receive hardworking support and services, guards and It was lower.

Separating the ranks and the nursing fund due to special tariffs will cause a tremendous leap in identity and power balance as well as professional independence, and the equation of participation of non-medical groups will be disrupted and will be replaced by the share of nursing and the share of other groups. will give.

In the implementation phase, the nursing society fund should be defined separately, otherwise the tariff will be empty.

Kamran Seifipour (former member of the supreme council of the country’s nursing system organization)


This post is written by Enayati_Hamed