Significant success and victory is time

Significant success and victory is when no engineer is in poverty. He does not work at Snap for a living.
Success is when engineering has dignity and decent income.
Victory is when the engineering system organization is not subordinate to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.
Success is when there is no corruption in the systems related to engineering and housing.
A significant victory is when the designer and supervisor, and especially the executive and representative of the executive, are not formal.
A remarkable victory is when the organization of the engineering system of Tuan and Jarbzeh prevents the construction of housing by non-professionals and all constructions are done by engineers*
Is the purpose other than serving engineers?
So what is the importance of getting the first and third place? Is it kindergarten?
Success is when the head of the organization and its board of directors and managers have mastery and control over their subordinate systems and structures and monitor it.
Not that the work of 38 billion Rials will come to Sajam and the temporary architect supervisor of Tehran with 2 months experience and real construction supervisors will be removed and the work will go to the law firm.
Why didn’t you include the senior capacity for the real top civil engineering candidates?

This post is written by Hamrad55