Simple but scientific solutions to deal with Corona!
Friday, March 13, 2020
Professor Dr. Drosten said in his meeting today in Berlin:
Every person should clarify for himself according to which way he wants to live
Due to the epidemic of corona disease. We cannot stay in the corner of the house. Corona virus is mostly in people’s throat and it jumps out with sneezing and coughing. Not being in crowded centers is a good move. It is also good not to go to bars, discotheques, restaurants and crowded places. Washing your hands is also a good thing, but the corona virus is not a fog that is in the air and we breathe. Corona virus is not a cloud network above our heads. It enters our body by coughing and sneezing of infected people near us. Immediately after infection, the most important stop of this virus is in the lungs. In many people, this virus causes cough in the lungs. Out of five people, four people refuse easily. The presence of corona in the lungs makes breathing difficult, but it disappears after a while. The patient will recover. For some, the shortness of breath has increased and it makes breathing difficult and takes them to the ICU. When shortness of breath occurs, blood pressure and circulation are affected and oxygen does not reach the body. When the blood pressure becomes a problem, the heart suffers a stroke and stops working. This is our biggest problem with corona patients in hospitals. But if the coronary patient is an athlete, his heart recovers from this blood circulation shock and can beat and pump blood with great force, or it can slow down and work quietly during rest. But for someone who climbs two flights of stairs, takes a breath, it is clear that it is difficult to endure during such a critical situation.
Now in the media, they are constantly pondering whether the body’s immune system must be strong to repel the corona virus.
In my opinion, you should also think about the circulatory system, blood pressure. One should think about lung capacity.
It is constantly said that the elderly are among the most dangerous patients, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter, if a 40-year-old person can’t even climb two flights of stairs and breathe, then he should be included in the group of patients whose condition becomes dangerous. .
The patient who gets corona has no problem until the first week. From the end of the first week, it is the lungs that suffer and blood circulation immediately falls. So we have to do something to help solve this problem. Now we do not have a vaccine ready. This is the amount of our studies. But our science and our experience say that we should think about our breathing and lowering blood pressure by going to the open air and exercising.