#simulator test
What is the simulator test?
Maybe you have also been asked that to increase the speed of practice in test tests such as: What is the pen, option two and. What should we do??
Or has it happened to you that despite studying a lot and having a high demand on the topics, when you sat in the exam session, you got confused and could not answer the questions completely and accurately.
One way to solve these problems is to take simulated tests, which, in addition to increasing your speed and accuracy in the tests, will also increase the duration of the topics you read.
The simulator test is such that you choose two or three days of the week and choose a number of questions for yourself from the test books, websites and randomly, and answer those questions in a certain time. .
Be sure to pay attention to a few points to design and answer simulator test questions:
1. Try to choose questions from all three levels of easy, medium and hard.
2. In the exam, preferably, use the topics that you read in the previous weeks so that the topics will be reminded and updated.
3. Then answer each question and enter the answer in the answer sheet.
4. As much as possible, make the conditions similar to the test conditions and try to sit up until the end of the test and do not stop answering the questions.
5. Wear a watch and answer the questions in the specified time.
6. Try to answer the questions that are easier for you first, then go to the time-consuming questions.
7. After finishing the exam, be sure to analyze the questions and write down their important points.
8. It is better to choose two specialized courses and two general courses every time you want to take a test and take 15 tests for each.
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This post is written by Calwin988