Small success of a village

Small success of a village

Republished from the economic perspective channel

A village that put waste separation at the top of their work.

Get to know the strangest and most civilized village in Iran!

There are areas where sometimes by stepping into them, we are separated from this world and as if we have stepped into the world of stories and dreams. These few areas, each of them seem unattainable due to a special reason, the village of Dizbad Bala (Zobarkhan village, the central part of Zabarkhan city, Razavi Khorasan province of Iran), a village where 100% of its people are literate, and for this reason, they consider it the most civilized village in Iran!

The first village school was established in 1312. This village was registered in UNESCO in 1348 as one of the few villages that are 100% literate.

Another point that has made this village have a special place among other villages in Iran is waste separation!

When we enter the village, the first thing that catches our attention is a sign with this slogan written on it:

Don’t hunt, don’t ax on the tree and spring, clean the environment and the earth

Another thing that will attract your attention at the very beginning of entering the village is a strange DNA-shaped symbol installed on a hill. In the upper part of this DNA, a pigeon’s nest and a pen can be seen, which means that the culture of environmental protection is something that exists in the genes of the people of Disbad Bara and is passed from one generation to another.

Other wonders of the village

Environmental activist Mohammad Darwish, in his interview with IRNA, expresses interesting points about the village of Dizbad Bala, points that may seem strange or even dreamy and unreal to us, but they are true and the people of the village adhere to them. Together, we read these wonders:

1. There is an ideal in this village, the first clause of this ideal is that no one has the right to cut a tall tree in this village. They say that birds nest on tall trees more because they are safe, and the better the birds are, the more birds will eat walnut and cherry caterpillars, and we no longer need to use chemical pesticides for pests.”

2. “In this village, if someone has a pool in the field, he must throw some pieces of wood in the pool so that if a bird wants to drink water, it will not drown.”

3. The village council has approved that if someone wants to build a house or want to restore the house, a part of the house must be a bird’s nest. They believe that the better the birds are in this village, the better they spread fertilizer on the ground in the territory they fly, and this fertilizer can increase the fertility of the soil, which no longer needs chemical fertilizers, and that the birds fight against pests. And another point is that the birds make people feel better with the song they sing.”

4. In this village, they don’t use tractors for plowing, when they plow potatoes or plums, they plant drops of gold in the ground, pigs dig the ground with their strong snouts under the pretext of finding potatoes, they find the food and the land. They have also prepared it for planting.”

5. In this village, no one hires hunters to kill the pigs so that their agricultural products are not damaged, but they have created physical barriers so that the pigs do not get close to their fields and trees. They have learned how to use natural gifts without harming their property and environmental resources.”

Source: List of Seconds

Social economic media perspective of the economy


This post is written by amirsalimiQ