Specialized fire safety engineering course for upgrading the level 3 to 2 and from level 2 to 1 at the 6th international fire and safety conference

Specialized fire safety engineering course for upgrading the level 3 to 2 and from level 2 to 1 at the 6th international fire and safety conference

This is to inform all engineers who have a license to work in the field of supervision and implementation and in all 4 main trends (architecture, civil engineering, mechanics and electricity). Base 2 to 1 in the 6th international safety and firefighting conference.

Course specifications and conditions:

1. The course will be held from 11 to 13 July this year at the International Convention Hall of Tehran Olympic Hotel.

2. The duration of the course is 16 hours, which includes 6 hours of participation in specialized panels and 10 hours of participation in workshops appropriate to the field of activity of engineers, which will be presented in two parts as follows.

First part: specialized panels
Fire safety engineering panel in two sections (4 hours)
Fire engineering panel in tunnels and underground spaces (2 hours)
Note: Attending specialized panels is mandatory for all majors

The second part: educational workshops
Engineers should choose one of the workshop training packages according to their specialization. The proposed packages include five 2-hour workshops (10 hours in total) and are prepared based on the needs of each major and are as follows;

Visit www.ticf.ir to register and view lecture titles, specialized panel topics, and educational workshops.

You can also pay for special engineering system packages (user system part, training workshop part) through the online portal.


This post is written by Ayhanengineer