Spending more time on work does not mean increased productivity

Spending more time on work does not mean increased productivity
Some people think that if they work more hours, they will achieve more success. However, this theory is not always correct and gives the opposite result.
There are situations in which spending less time on work or in other words working less happens to be more productive. In some cases, you can get more done and get more output by spending fewer hours on a task.
What is your responsibility?

When it comes to working hours, the most important thing is your responsibility. For example, people who work in the production sector, increasing the working time leads to the production of more products. But this issue is not true for people who do intellectual work and with the passage of time, the amount of productivity decreases.
Due to the increasing use of communication technologies and the existence of methods such as sending emails and group messaging programs, less time is spent on holding meetings and notifications. Although such communication methods have advantages, they can alienate employees in some cases.
The best thing is the combined and optimal use of new communication tools. Better results can be achieved with this approach.
Know the most important work challenge

In the workplace, there may be various challenges that should be considered the most important. If the challenges are well identified, they can shape new ideas and bring valuable products and results.
Sometimes the best ideas are not sparked at the desk. Rather, an interesting idea may come to your mind while exercising or walking. So, sitting at the table and staring at the papers does not necessarily mean achieving the desired result.
When you happen to be away from the work space and have an open mind and freedom, new ideas to solve problems show themselves. In this case, your overall efficiency will increase and you will follow paths that you did not pay attention to before.
Don’t underestimate personal growth and development

No matter how many years you work, always focus on your personal growth and development. The business world is changing rapidly and you will need new knowledge and skills to adapt to it. But, much of what you need to know and know how to do goes beyond what is directly related to your job.
You should know that sometimes the skills that are used in the current job project were mostly acquired through some hobbies. So don’t worry about taking time to do some side activities. Working long hours doesn’t just make you a strong person. Spend part of your time gaining new experiences through other activities to increase your productivity.

Source: fastcompany

This post is written by Moj_maryam