Stabilization of soil and sand materials with lime

Stabilization of soil and sand materials with lime

Quicklime is a more effective stabilizing agent than quicklime, and if it is added to the soil in the form of slurry, it creates more resistance than when it is added in the form of powder. Soil stabilization with lime improves the quality and technical characteristics of the soil and accelerates road construction operations. Experience has shown that adding lime to moist fine-grained soils not only causes several chemical reactions between the soil and lime, but also causes the produced mixture to have greater load-bearing capacity, better compaction and transferability, and less shrinkage and pasty properties than natural soil. be primary Lime is generally more suitable for stabilizing very pasty clay soils (PI<35). And its effect is less on soils with low amount of fine grains. Meanwhile, lime is not suitable for stabilizing soils that contain a large amount of organic matter. Experiments conducted on organic soils have shown that if 20% of the dry weight of the soil, gypsum is added to quicklime or quicklime, organic soils can also be stabilized with lime, provided that the natural moisture content of such soils is not too high. ===== ® @Rahsazi This post is written by Mehrad_tehrani