Statement No. 2 of the Call Group in connection with the latest announcement of the Office of the Islamic Republic’s Interests Protector in Washington about the presidential election

Statement No. 2 of the Call Group in connection with the latest announcement of the Office of the Islamic Republic’s Interests Protector in Washington about the presidential election

Greetings dear compatriots,
In these critical and fateful days, we need to be more alert and aware. The government is trying to mislead the protestors by posting different addresses in cyber space. Therefore, avoid sharing addresses in the cyber space without making sure that they are correct. Protest gatherings should be held only at the addresses announced by the official portal of the Ministry of Interior of the regime.
Also, be prepared that the government may introduce mobile ballot boxes instead of announcing a fixed address for the ballot boxes. In such a situation, it is necessary to appear in the streets with our cars and make the voting process difficult.

Solidarity is the only way to win!
We will be more connected every day!
We will plant the tree of revolution

All for one, one for all

Call for Revolution in Iran

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This post is written by Farakhan_Iran_1