Strategic organizational entrepreneurship
Sometimes we may do organizational entrepreneurship without creating an organization, this type of entrepreneurship that is created without creating a new organization is called strategic organizational entrepreneurship, which focuses on competitive advantages and new entrepreneurial opportunities. Entrepreneurial opportunities are a learning process in which the organization absorbs knowledge from outside its borders and seeks to increase the knowledge stock. But there are two problems here:
There are many opportunistic abilities in small companies, but limited knowledge and little power in the market prevent them from creating wealth.
The competitive advantage in large companies is high, but their emphasis on effectiveness and operational efficiency prevents them from discovering new opportunities.
We are going to check what is the solution and where is strategic organizational entrepreneurship in this game. Strategic entrepreneurship can have 5 modes:
The first mode is strategic renewal;
A type of strategic entrepreneurship in which the organization tries to redefine its relationship with the market and industrial competitors, change a sector or completely change its competitive approach. Strategic innovation refers to creating transformation in the organization through the innovation of the primary key idea. That is, the concentration of the entrepreneurial activities of the organization on the strategy of the organization. Of course, it cannot be said that all organizations that adopt a new strategy are in the process of strategic renewal, but a strategic renewal occurs when it leads to fundamental changes in the organization’s competitive environment (for example, the organization’s competitive position among competitors creates fundamental changes).
Of course, the organizations that entered the field to provide a unique and differentiated value with industrial values and strategies actually did a kind of strategic renewal in the industry. They are actually running a new strategic game and designed this game in such a way that they would be at the center of the relevant industry.
But the types of strategic renewal:
Transformational strategic renewal
It creates a lot of transformation in the organization, it is fundamental and more difficult to create, because it requires that we have very extensive innovations and re-design of the organization.
Gradual strategic renewal
Changes are step by step, gradual and partial.
Example outside of Iran:
Moving from product to service, like IBM, which separated itself from production (turned from hardware production to software, such as the Internet of Things) and carried out a transformational renovation.
Example inside Iran:
Bank Mellat became a private bank from being a state-owned bank, even the logo (from blue to red) and the appearance of the bank changed, you can feel the change in the television commercials, it emphasized, focused on major and corporate customers and exemplified it. The establishment of a special branch for major customers was on Gandhi Street. This model was a gradual renovation, not a transformation.
In short, to implement all types of strategic renewal, organization leaders are very important and must participate in the change process.
Of course, there are a number of other events that cause strategic renewal, such as globalization, the labor market, diversity, the importance of shareholders/financial markets, regulation and deregulation, mergers and acquisitions, the penetration of the Internet, and so on.
It continues, friends.
This post is written by Rimaazz1