To be successful in a business negotiation, you need to make the most of your time when talking to decision-makers (whether it’s on the phone or face-to-face). Tom Blake, the author of the book The Millionaire Wagon, has five extremely effective tips in this regard.
1- Choose a reasonable goal
It’s natural to want the first meeting with the decision maker to lead to a deal. However, many business contracts require more than one negotiation session. Because more than one person decides about the final contract.
2- Never repeat yourself
Many sellers have a secret that the other party does not believe their words, which makes them repeat their words several times and they think that repetition increases the credibility of their statements. Unfortunately, repetition makes you seem uncertain and suspicious.
3- Do not anticipate protests
Don’t try to answer an objection to a specific point in advance unless you are 100% sure that there will be an objection to that particular issue. Although it can be expected that there will almost always be objections to the seller’s statements, you should not list possible objections that may come to the buyer’s mind and give them to him, even if you are sure that you have the right answers for all of them.
4- Clarify the ambiguities
If you sense that the other person is being evasive (e.g., I need to talk to my colleagues about this) or you encounter a vague objection (e.g., I’m not sure if this makes sense), ask questions to clarify the situation for yourself. do
5- After measuring the situation, take the next step by obtaining permission
When the atmosphere is suitable, check your counterpart’s interest in buying. (For example, ask if all these things are suitable for you?) When you are reasonably sure that the customer is ready to go to the next step, ask him for permission to go to the next step.
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This post is written by Hasankrmn