Supplies needed to participate in the second stage test

Supplies needed to participate in the second stage test
1. Appropriate number of rapids in different sizes (for example, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, or 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6)
2. Pencil!!!!
3. Chassis board size A3
4. Ruler (the smaller and more compact it is, the better because they may announce that it is prohibited, so the smaller it is, the better because you have to hide it somewhere)
5. A simple template (take it away, they will block you)
6. Don’t forget the black magic

A few important points:
1. When drawing, make sure that there is no sheet under your sheet, because the color of the marker may reach the bottom sheet, and this means goodbye to the test!!!
2. Only and only and only if you do not know the question, look at other people’s papers, otherwise this is prohibited.
3. Draw a checkerboard sheet in A3 size and stick it on the board with strong glue and then put some white A3 sheets without writing on the board to hide the checkerboard!! (I will send a sample later!!)
4. You can print all the topics by hand in A5 size and hide them wherever you can and use them when necessary (be careful not to find a body when entering the inspection).
5. You don’t need to go inside early, let them enter at the right time so that they have the least physical visit to you
6. Be very careful when using a ruler and stencil, you don’t need to use them, it’s better to be hidden.
7. Don’t forget mineral water (of course, they will probably give you a hot one) along with enough chocolate!!
8. Don’t forget your national card or one of the two birth certificates. Certificates are not useful.
9. Hand over the phone!! Later, we won’t find out that one of you was caught by the phone and the work was dragged into narrow places. Deliver it easily, because the phone has a heavy and unforgivable charge!!
10. Be careful, when the caretaker catches you for any reason, be sure to declare ignorance and say that I was not justified, I didn’t know I shouldn’t bring this, sorry. And don’t continue anymore
11. Don’t think they will give you an extra sheet!! It’s not a high school or aunt’s house exam where, for example, everyone has to hand in 10 sheets!! According to the law, each sheet has a special code and method specifications, so you don’t have a chance to make a mistake!
12. Before the exam, do not discuss with the children about the subjects and such words (some people want to say that we know!!! Say ok, you know, I left)
13. In the end, put your trust in God, I hope you don’t need any of the above, I pray for you, a special prayer for all new urban planners, I hope you all come back like a lion, not a mouse!!!

Until Saturday, send a message to my ID whenever you want so that we can get some final tips. What does the second stage test mean??!!! Can you explain!!!

I will always love you my dear children
Happy New Year @Miladnovin69
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This post is written by vahide_1994