Telegram filter and three short tips
1⃣ “Weapons are neutral and it depends on us how to use them” / Lilia Green, Professor of Communication and Media
2⃣ “Technology is neither good, nor bad, nor neutral”. / Kerzenberg, historian
3. When the first man discovered fire, he burned his hand several times, even his privacy was endangered by the light of fire. After that, big fires destroyed cities, forests, libraries, and many people, but was the solution to remove and blame the fire?!
There is a report on TV that people are saying that we are doing much better since Telegram was filtered. We visit the elders, we don’t have accidents. Our skin has improved at all!
Talks and hadiths about Telegram filtering are the topic of the day. I am not a shareholder of Telegram, and if it is filtered out, I may suffer from malnutrition. Maybe I won’t write here and I will find more time and less trouble and frown, but fighting with technology in the era of communication technologies is not funny, it is painful.
As someone who has a doctorate degree in the field of “Culture and Communication” and has little knowledge and little study in this field, I can confidently say that you are going the wrong way.
Just like decades ago, showers, electricity, radio, television, girls going to school, women driving, getting birth certificates, wearing hats, etc. banned and today it seems funny that someone is blamed for not going to the treasury! Just as you filtered and banned the video and then sold the video to the same people in government chain stores!
Let’s not go far. A few years ago you filtered WeChat and said “because it endangers the privacy of fellow citizens and has criminal content and endangers our culture and . And now they say that the filter has been fixed again! In these four years, did he feel shy? Did he become a believer? did he repent He promised to be a good boy?!
Dear active and hardworking members of the working group for determining criminal cases!
By God, our strength only reaches Rouhani and Jahrmi, their wall is short, we grumble at them, but indirectly we also mean you!
Telegram filtering made thousands of people lose their bread and brought bread to a few hundred people who sell filters! You who are sitting at the fountain, check how many million filter breakers have been downloaded by Iranians in these few days. What do you think they download the filter breaker for? To break eggs and make omelette instead?
Filter Telegram. Completely remove the internet from the ground up. Give us a shovel and in this rainless and drought – which is of course our fault – let’s go farming.
Order to go to the lap of nature! Let’s all go to graze sheep, raise cows, keep chickens and be happy and cheerful like Kobk Khamun. But this train does not return to the first station, does not return, does not return. In a few years, the public will hear about our words. you will arrive you will arrive Ehsan Mohammadi
This post is written by AliVosoughi