The 5th of Esfand is called Engineer’s Day in the country’s national calendar. We cannot forget that we are living in difficult and challenging times of the country’s economic and social situation. But despite all the difficulties and difficulties, we should still be proud of ourselves and our colleagues and congratulate each other on this important and valuable national day.

The 5th of Esfand is called Engineer’s Day in the country’s national calendar. We cannot forget that we are living in difficult and challenging times of the country’s economic and social situation. But despite all the difficulties and difficulties, we should still be proud of ourselves and our colleagues and congratulate each other on this important and valuable national day.

Dear engineers, you who are engaged in complex and important work in the country’s small and large projects, I congratulate you on the National Engineer’s Day from the bottom of my heart. With the fatigue and hardship that you may hide in your heart, you engineers, with your efforts and talent, play a very essential and vital role in the development and progress of the country, and with your expertise and perseverance, you provide improvement in the lives of people and society.

I hope that with a heart full of hope and enthusiasm for better and more proud days, we can overcome the problems by believing in ourselves and with more strength and effort and achieve peace, stability and freshness in our personal and professional lives. With all my heart, I congratulate you and all my dear colleagues on Engineer’s Day, and now, on the eve of the spring of nature and the ancient Eid and the celebration of Espandang, I wish you all the next year with more progress and prosperity.

Mehrdad Rafiei


This post is written by MehrdadRafiei