The biggest problem that engineers face in projects is the quality and required strength of concrete

The biggest problem that engineers face in projects is the quality and required strength of concrete.
The mixers of one batch of concreting have a huge slump difference. It is not possible to add all the lubricants, nor to return the concrete with a high slump to the factory. Because of this, the test results from a single factory with a fixed grade are very fluctuating.
Many times I asked the employers to sign a contract with the factory based on pressure resistance, but the factory did not accept.
I talked to the factory, why don’t you close your contracts based on pressure resistance and close them with carats??
Saying: It doesn’t work for us. Because the union prices concrete based on grade, and even though our standards are clear, but because the quality of cement used fluctuates a lot, different results are obtained in each part load of cement used. Consider a new survey and a new amount of cement and a new mixing plan, which is not possible due to the fluctuation of concrete variables, and pricing is not possible, that’s why the union does pricing based on grade.

Now the question is:
Dear board of directors, was there a discussion about the stability of cement quality in that meeting????

This post is written by habib_azizzadeh