The Chinese proposal to build housing for $100 per square meter is suspicious
Iraj Rahbar, the head of mass builders’ center:
The rate that the Chinese proposed two years ago for construction in our country was unreasonable, and in the oil clearance discussion, concessions should have been considered for them that we are not aware of.
According to the Chinese officials, the price for each square meter was only 100 dollars. This price did not seem reasonable at that time because when we traveled abroad with the Chinese, such as traveling with statesmen to Iraq and Syria, we saw that the price they gave was not less than 350 dollars. I don’t know how it happened that now they said they will work for Iran with 100 dollars per square meter! In my opinion, a place of work must have a problem that such a price has been announced.
100 to 150 dollars is about five to seven million tomans per meter. While inside the country, the price of the work is much higher than this. For this reason, there must be an advantage for the Chinese beyond this money to do work for us.
This post is written by Mohammad_B_Eng