Fourth step:
*How can we enter the process of online branding and entering social networks with a suitable budget?*
First of all, you should know that society’s behavior goes towards three or finally ten choices, for example, if it needs an iron beam, the first three options are *Google* and finally the first ten options are monitored.
In *Instagram*, the chances of success are high, but you have to create a very valuable content for the audience, which is a difficult task, and considering the activation of the process of the global digital birth certificate, this process will probably cause many problems for Iranians in the years to come. .
In *WhatsApp*:
Currently, three main groups are active on a scale of more than eight hundred people, which include *Folad24, Ahan Gostar Asia, and finally Iran’s iron and steel market*, and unauthorized withdrawal of numbers and adding them to individual communities. It is a wrong and incorrect approach that will soon show its effects through the behavior of the audience. can be seen
*Site design:*
If you want to have a specialized website, for example, for an iron and steel section store, you have to compete with top brands with 250 to 1,200 people in the Iranian market, which will be a bit difficult due to their longer life and facilities and concentration. Designing is a feasible and easy process, but becoming a brand in searches requires a process of three to ten years, so that you can get a community of 40,000 people a day for sites like *Ahn Online*, which of course also carries many risks. does
This process of becoming the first is very expensive.
*Using specialized advertising platforms:*
In the Iranian market, specialized platforms such as *Folad 24* and of course the *Arjam* working group have been activated, which have services for customer finding and advertising, which are very powerful and popular, but their challenges are the lack of linguistic comprehensiveness, the inability to target audiences. It depends on the province and section, but its advantages are specialization, classification in steel 24 or having thousands of telephones in the iron system. is
Telegram is a large collection of groups, channels and steel communities of the country that publish advertisements in a barrage, but its efficiency and feedback are questionable and it is a fundamental problem that who, where and how can access our information. And how many people actually read the ad?