The growth of algae, lichen, moss and liverworts on hard surfaces:
The growth of algae, lichen, moss and liverworts on the hard surfaces of the garden is very common and contrary to popular belief, it does not harm these surfaces, but it can cause the surfaces to become slippery.
Appearance descriptions of this problem:
– Algae and algae plants such as:
The growth of a green layer on paving stones, and garden furniture is a characteristic sign of algae. Some gardeners mistakenly call the existence of a blue-green jelly-like layer on the surfaces as algae, when this blue-green layer is related to cyanobacteria.
– Lichen:
Lichens often grow on pavements. The color of the paving stones is usually different, but mostly they are silver, gray green, yellow or orange. Their texture can be rough, scaly or leafy.
– Jaggeravashan or liver grass:
These organisms usually have a flat and leafless appearance and grow on hard surfaces. A common example is Marcantia, which usually has an umbrella-like layer over it.
– Moss:
Moles usually have a soft appearance and appear on hard surfaces or tree trunks.
What is the reason for the growth of these plant-like organisms?
Algae, lichen, liverwort and moss appear more in wet places, because they need moisture to grow and reproduce. Lichens are usually found in places with clean air and multiply slowly.
These creatures usually appear in closed places where plants hang from the ceiling.
Places that do not have proper drainage, or are constantly in the shade, help the growth of these organisms.
Methods to control this problem:
– Remove the moss from the surfaces with a sharp knife or a long-handled brush.
– Using a pressure washer, spray water with high pressure on the surface and destroy the moss and algae. In places where drainage is not done well, it is better not to use this method. When using a pressure washer, be sure to use special glasses. After spraying water and destroying mosses and algae, cover the surfaces with special oil.
– Always clean the surfaces with a hard broom.
– Prune plants hanging from the ceiling continuously, so that sunlight shines on all surfaces.
– Prevent water from collecting in one place by increasing the slope of the surfaces.
– Paving only high-traffic areas.
This post is written by www_AgriDelta_ir