The harsh statements of doctors against the hidden government

The harsh statements of doctors against the hidden government

The management of Iran is in the hands of a secret government and Rouhani must expose it

The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament said: Rouhani should reveal everything and tell the people that the power in government is hidden in the hands of a government that is the real manager of the country and holds the power.

In an interview with the newspaper, Masoud Bizikian, the deputy speaker of the parliament said that everyone, including fundamentalists and reformists, is guilty of corruption and inefficiency, and the game of “who was it that I wasn’t” will not work. Responding to people’s problems is the duty of those who move in the shadows and have a constant presence in decision-making.

Masoud Bischiyan stated that if I were in Hassan Rouhani’s place, I would have come to the parliament at the first opportunity and would have explained everything clearly. So that everyone knows what Khatami should have done and didn’t do, now there is nothing to fear. People know everything and they witness economic, cultural and moral corruption every day. *There is no longer anything called value in Iranian culture.*

Doctors added: “Every government came to power, some people chanted that it is useless.” On the other hand, on the 40th anniversary of the revolution, we will talk about the achievements of the revolution. Well, if we have an achievement, these poor people have achieved it, and if all of them are poor, which achievement are you talking about? That means we have to solve this contradiction”.*

The doctors said: All the factions have come and gone temporarily, but the stability of the work is the hands of those who move in the shadow. This organization has always been present in the shadow and has been stable. As a result, *if there is a problem in the country, those who are stable should answer and not those who come one day and leave the same day.*

He added: “When I was the minister of health, 25 centers made decisions in health and treatment. I was a minister, but my powers were in the hands of 25 other units and organizations. Then, in the end, I had to be responsible. It is the same in other ministries. Do you think that culture is controlled by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance? “Different organizations play a role in this field, but when they want to curse, they only curse the Ministry of Guidance.”

At the end, the doctor said: “The power is in the hands of those who neither the parliament, nor the president, nor other government officials have the right to say. I remember that during the time of the Shah, they said, give us one hour of radio a week, and we will convert everyone to Islam.” But now the radio, all channels and universities are in our hands. So why is society like this?


This post is written by mkarimia46