The old ruins said

The old man said:
Be a bartender for a thousand people, but don’t get drunk with anyone
Pour your love at everyone’s feet but don’t fall in love with everyone
Look at everyone but don’t give your gaze to everyone
Be friends with everyone but be friends with her husband
Be good to everyone, even your enemies, but don’t waste your time proving it to anyone.
ٰ To the health of the Iranian flag that is three-colored, the egg that is two-colored, the friend who is one-colored.


To the health of the colorful commune who did not choose just one color, said all colors are beautiful.
Be whatever color you want, but be monochromatic.


To the health of a father who did not taste the taste of having a father but became a father to many.


Good health to the one who said when I won: He is my friend. When I lost, he said: I am a friend.


My health is a cigarette that catches fire when it sees me feeling bad.


ٰ To the health of everyone we hit went. Let’s hit your health sorrow
Maybe he’s gone too.


Good health to those who respect their parents and know that in a house where the older ones grow up, the younger ones never grow up.


Good luck to those who don’t have money but their dreams are very valuable.

To the health of a heart that has taken many times but tried never to go crooked.


To the health of those who are still in shock of someone’s departure and do not want to believe that the one who went should have gone.


Good luck to those who listen to everyone’s heartbreak but don’t know where they are.


ٰ To our own health that sometimes we ate the stick of honesty badly.


To the health of the friend who is not found in friendship more pure than him, but everyone has abused this purity and he is just silent.

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