The oldest tariff for engineering services that I found

The oldest tariff for engineering services that I found is related to 2015, in 1995, the total design and supervision services of building group C (6 and 7-story buildings with the most frequency) was 45 thousand tomans, while the average price of buildings in Tehran This year it was 4.5 million tomans. In April 1403, the average house price in Tehran has reached 84 million, while the tariff for engineering services for group C is only 395 thousand tomans. In fact, while the price of housing has increased 19 times from 1995 to April 1403, the wages of design engineers and supervisors have only increased 8 times. Another point is that according to Table No. 11, Clause 17-7 of Article 33 of the Law, the total percentage of fees for design and supervision of engineers in construction group C is 4.5% of the total cost of each square meter of building infrastructure. With the continued cruelty and silence of engineers, this 4.5% of the total salary of designers and supervisors has fallen to less than half of the construction cost of each square meter in Tehran. Certainly, this difference in growth, which is caused by the inflationary increase in the price of property and the mandatory, unrealistic and illegal increase in the cost of engineering services, is more severe with the tariff of the early years. Another point is that the appointed officials of the Central Council admit the attack of the head of their organization on this open oppression of engineers and the shrinking of the table of this passive class, but in practice they implement the orders against the engineers.
The tariff announced by the ministry and its puppets in the Central Council is a clear violation of paragraph 15 of article 73 of the law and 2-17 and 7-17 of the regulation of article 33. It means determining the tariff without applying adjustment indicators and calculating the construction cost of each square meter of infrastructure.
Finding the roots of this level of passivity and indifference towards the violation of trade union rights is a sociological project that shows how to castrate a trade union and install corrupt and commanding representatives on them. started and deprived them of their legal rights. This situation could not be possible except by weakening the guild foundations of a group.
Mustafa Karmi, a member of the Tehran Engineers Guild

This post is written by tutor_karami