The price of 23 thousand tomans of wheat is 1403 deception or reality

The price of 23,000 tomans of wheat in 1403 is deception or reality?
Mahdi Mostafid

For a few days, the price of 23 thousand tomans for wheat in 1403 has been viral in the media and induces the belief that 23 thousand tomans has been approved for next year’s wheat.
But the fact is that 23 thousand tomans is the only proposal of the Gandhamkaran Foundation and there is a long way to approve it in the Pricing Council.
It seems that the announcement of that proposal as the next year’s price on the eve of planting and supplying seeds by farmers is to normalize the high price of seeds and inputs and deceive farmers.
Determining the price of wheat in 1403 is proposed while the government and the pricing council in the most inefficient situation possible have not legally determined the price of 1402 even after the end of the buying season!
Contrary to the fact that the members of the pricing council, as the only legal authority to determine the price of wheat, spoke about approving the price of 17 thousand tomans for wheat, and the parliament approved the price of wheat based on the price of 17 thousand tomans. But this year’s wheat purchase, despite the skyrocketing inflation of this sector, is currently at last year’s price, and the government’s payment has been made at the previous year’s rate based on 11,500 Tomans.
In the past days, members of the pricing council have disappeared! They have spoken about the council’s 17,000 tomans decision and the violation of the rights of millions of wheat workers in the country! But not the so-called revolutionary parliament and many servants! They have shown a reaction, neither the government of Kakash Gazide, nor the regulatory and judicial institutions have shown a reaction!
The fact that a resolution of this importance is lost and affects a large part of society is undoubtedly a Zionist conspiracy to discourage wheat farmers and destroy production. There is a place for the country’s respected prosecutor and security institutions to take action to prosecute the wheat farmers and bring severe punishment to the violator or violators who have caused damage to the production sector and confusion of the government by hijacking the price council’s decision in the Alavi court of justice.
#destruction of production