The ridiculous, reprehensible and destructive phenomenon of taking photos of other colleagues’ projects, publishing them in a public space with virtual visitors (even without mentioning the name and address) and mentioning all kinds of technical defects in design, supervision and implementation.

The absurd, reprehensible and #destructive phenomenon of taking photos of other colleagues’ projects, publishing them in a highly visited virtual public space (even without mentioning the name and address) and mentioning all kinds of technical defects in design, supervision and implementation. Are we engineers, each of us individually, the general public of the construction space?

A licensed designer, supervisor and executive engineer is not legally and officially similar to a student under education, but has a completely independent personality (legally). The engineer himself is personally responsible and accountable for any damages and events caused by his employer.

It is possible that engineers (according to the case that these cases have a place for detailed and separate discussion) have errors and shortcomings in their work. In any case, they will be responsible. One of these reasons can be the lack of sufficient knowledge (for example, due to the lack of useful and #effective training according to the field of work)

A mistake, a mistake, not knowing, asking (at any age and rank) is not a fault or a source of shame. What is shameful is insisting on repeating mistakes, insisting on not asking, insisting on knowing and claiming to have common sense.

Those who have a strange interest in planning such cases in the public space need to answer two questions:

1 What do you do? Public prosecutor? Who legally gave you the authority to be a public prosecutor in the field of construction? Is there a problem? very good I am its engineer. My rib is soft, my neck is broken, my grave is dug (away from everyone’s life). The damage is with me. I didn’t want to go to jail. What are you doing here?

2. Do you intend to teach others? culture? very great I am an uneducated, unemployed, ignorant engineer, under work. But you must excel in the claimed technical field in every respect. Shouldn’t you be?

Are you ready to invite other colleagues to visit your projects? Are you ready to publish the maps that you have sealed and signed for the public to see in the virtual space to prove to others that your work is completely at the highest engineering levels and has no flaws and does not cost money?
Are you willing to share your correspondence documents and reports in your projects for others so that everyone can see that they are prepared in accordance with the correct legal principles and regulations?

But being #destructive is how you get the courage to ask others to raise awareness. You create a sense of concern and humiliation in the audience. Your work does not have an educational and cultural effect as much as a grain of millet.

More should be written about this destructive phenomenon.

This post is written by ashabibi1355