The timing of the fourth conference on the first day of the opening

#Schedule of the fourth conference #first_day #opening

28 February 2017 (Sunday)

Add-ons section

What you need to know about the following topics:
Structural approach to achieve good quality in agricultural films

High performance pigments for plastics

Increasing the sustainability of agricultural films

The effect of antimicrobial masterbatches on the physical and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polymers

Follow all these topics in the Additives section of the 4th International Masterbatch and Polymer Compounds Conference

Do not miss the opportunity to attend the fourth international conference

Conference time: 27th and 28th of February

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Research Institute

More information and registration:

02144787134, 02122037383

@IMBPAnews | The news channel of the Iran Masterbatch and Compound Producers Association

This post is written by IMPAnews