Thinking and media literacy course

Thinking and media literacy course
Test questions of the first round (lessons 1 to 11)

Girls’ high school, second term, number one, Imam Hossein A.S
19 test questions and one explanatory question
The duration of the test is 50 minutes
January 1400

1. In the media, there is a possibility of system and immediate interaction with the audience.
A. Social network

2. Learning. It is one of the most important skills of media literacy.
A. The language of persuasion
B- Techniques of persuasion
P- The method of persuasion
T- The purpose of persuasion

3. What is the purpose of making an anti-Iranian film in America?
A. Positive representation
B- Positive stereotype
P-negative representation
T- Negative stereotype

4. Which of the following characteristics is transmitted in radio?
A. Text
B- Fixed image
P- Moving image

5. Which is an important technique that plays an important role in creating stereotypes?
A. Generalization
B – Repetition
P – Persuasion
T- Representation

6. What process does the following poem express in media production?
Rostam Yeli was in Sistan
A. Representation
B- Stereotype
P – Repetition
T- Generalization

7. In media productions, the hidden message under the obvious message represents the layer.
A. Text
B – Subtext
T – All cases

8. Which concept of media literacy is related to the following case study:
In 2005, it was revealed that the US military was operating 30 radio stations in Afghanistan that did not disclose their ties to the United States.
A. Great actors
B – News gatekeeping
P- Magnification
T – Message engineering

9. Publishing long texts is not interesting.
A. Cinema
B- Printing
P- Social network

10. Which persuasion technique is used in the sentence, “You will not be disgraced, you will be the same color as the congregation”?
A. repetition
B – Comparison
P- Beautiful people
T- Chariot or wagon

11. Which technique of persuasion brings great concepts to our minds?
A. Association of meaning
B- Claim of disclosure
T – Tamami

12. That everyone is doing the same thing, so we have to do it too, which persuasion technique was used?
A. Repetition
P- Chariot or wagon
T- Beautiful people

13. The use of superior adjective (ter) indicates which application of persuasion technique?
A. Severity
B- Allegation of obviousness
P- Greed
T- Comparison

14. Which technique of persuasion tries to create a link between a thought and an opinion and with desires and instincts in the audience’s mind.
A. Association of meanings
B – Comparison
P- Humor
T – Symbols

15. The purpose of using persuasion techniques can be be
A. Positive
B- Negative
P- Neutral
T – positive or negative

16. In making media productions, which experts do not consider?
A. Characteristic of the audience
b. Audience facilities
P. audience attraction techniques
T. Limitations

17. Which one of the options is correct?
A. The altered image representation is the stereotype
b. The historical context and social context of the media is called culture
P. Using humor is one of the benefits of persuasive language.
T. The most important factor in advertising design is knowing the audience

18. Which one of the features of the media is different from the others?
A. Public education
b. individualism
P. Reduction of information leakage
T. synergy

19. Which techniques of persuasion can be used to attract people’s votes in city council elections?
A. Fear
b. Greed
P. Tanz
T. Association of meaning

20. Choose a science subject of your choice from your textbook and write how to stereotype it among school people.

This post is written by Nazi_2683