Tips for building a sheep shed

Tips for building a sheep shed:

1- The land that is chosen for the construction of the cattle station should be higher than the surrounding lands or at least at the same level to prevent running water from entering the livestock area.

2- The location should not be in the direction of seasonal winds and otherwise use a wind breaker.

3- The place should be built in such a way that the sunlight shines in it in a large amount, because the sunlight, having ultraviolet rays, causes the disinfection of the place and also creates vitamin D.
The wall, ceiling and floor of the stand should be made of materials such as stone, brick and cement to reduce the possibility of insects, microbes and fungi living – the height of the stand should be between 2.8 and 3 meters.

– In front of the pen, there should be a spring or a pen yard, and its area should be twice the size of the roof space.

– The door of the cage should be relatively wide and approximately 2.3 meters wide. so that sheep can pass easily.
– The floor of the mangers should be made of fish pollen so that the food does not stay on the sides of the manger, rot and mold, and does not cause livestock poisoning. It should be 1.5 meters so that the animal does not throw the food out of the trough with its muzzle when feeding. – The width of the edge of the one-way troughs should not exceed 20 cm, because the sheep cannot easily feed.

– The mangers should be built at the bottom and the grass feeders should be built in the form of a fence above the mangers.

– In some fattening units, they make all kinds of mangers and grass feeders mobile so that they can feed the sheep in the open space whenever they want.

– A cross bar should be installed above the troughs so that sheep do not enter the trough and contaminate food with their urine.

– Mobile mangers can be made with wood or metal and even with car tires.

– The necessary dimensions for each head of sheep are 30×30 cm or 40×40 cm.
– A drinking fountain must be built for the sheep. Because it is necessary for sheep to have water 24 hours a day. The constant availability of water for livestock leads to better digestion and absorption of food in the digestive tract, and sheep suffer less indigestion, and their health is not endangered. Usually, for every 15 sheep, 45 cm of drinking water should be considered.

This post is written by Ahmadi_abas