Tips on planting corn;
Corn should be planted in full sunlight, so that it receives 6 to 8 hours of light.
Corn soil must have good drainage and be moistened regularly, because corns receive a lot of water.
In general, you can mix compost and animal manure with the soil in the fall, but if animal manure is not available, compost alone is sufficient.
The best time to plant corn is spring. You should make sure that 3 weeks have passed since the last spring frost, because planting corn in cold weather will not give good results.
To speed up germination, soak the seeds before planting. Wrap them in a wet towel and put them in a plastic bag for 24 hours.
Place the seeds at a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm in the soil, while the distance between the rows is 5 to 10 cm and form a square area.
For better pollination, the number of plants per square should be 10 to 50.
If you wish to fertilize at planting time, use a 10-10-10 fertilizer because corn needs to grow quickly. But if you think your soil has enough nutrients, forget this step.
Water well after planting.
When the height of the young corns reaches 10 cm, you should separate them from each other. If the type of corn is short, space them 30 to 50 cm apart, and if the type is tall, space them 50 to 60 cm apart. At this stage, you can also remove the weeds, but be careful of the sensitive roots of the corns.
When the corns reach 20 cm tall, feed them with nitrogen fertilizer and repeat this process when they reach 45 cm.
Note that the soil must be constantly moist, otherwise the corns will be stressed.
To protect the corns during strong winds, it is better to mound the soil at the end of the stem to keep the stem in place.
For better seeding, shake the stems a little every few days so that the pollination is done completely and no corn is left behind.
This post is written by www_AgriDelta_ir