Tips on testing

Notes on testing:

1) Educational test: You should never worry that your mastery is not complete and therefore do not take the test. Because that’s exactly what testing does; Increase mastery.
Immediately after reading the theory lessons, you should start taking tests, even with minimal study. Any of the tests you take immediately after studying are new, and you must take time for each test, read the explanatory answer sheet, and return to the textbook; In this way, the material you read becomes deeper and more meaningful for you, you pay attention to the points that you did not pay attention to while reading the textbook or book. Taking training tests will continue until you have gained enough mastery by repeating the tests.

2) Cover test: With this category of tests, you review the previous topics, that is, you consolidate the same topics with newer concepts in the form of tests that you have not encountered before. If the cover tests were clear enough for you that there was no need to go back to the textbook and answer sheet, you can start a new lesson and topic. In this way, you saved time and instead of going back to the book or re-reading the textbook, you reviewed by taking a test, which is a very important point.

3) Exam test: Take a timed test for the subjects you took the educational and coverage test without the help of the textbook. It means test yourself to work on your speed.

General summary

Taking the test correctly is very important for those whose brains work obsessively, re-reading the theory without taking the test makes the mind lazy and actually wastes time. As a result, we should start the cover and review tests with a short distance from the actual reading so that our study has the necessary quality. to have The more distance there is, the fainter what we read. Instead, we identify the problem by testing, if necessary, we go back to the same specific topic and read it again, not the whole article.

If the number of wrong answers during the test is high, there are several situations;
1) Incomplete learning: it needs to study more and more fundamentally and increase the hours of study.
2) Lack of mastery: a sufficient amount of tests from each subject leads the student to mastery. So, the more we test, the more it will be confirmed.

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This post is written by miomo99