To all dear fellow citizens, regarding the market for the production of all kinds of incubators. Do not trust any inexperienced and inefficient device manufacturer. We should always consider the experience and knowledge of the manufacturer so as not to fail in buying incubators or any device.
Therefore, Gharb Joche incubators are designed by an electronic engineer with 20 years of experience in the field of research and experience in all kinds of electronic projects.
The improvement and repair of all types of Iranian and foreign hatchery machines are at the service of the citizens. and accepting orders for the manufacture, repair and upgrade of your device
Custom manufacturing of hatchery machine with high efficiency and brand and original parts and fully automatic controllers and aluminum rock with rust-proof and corrosion-resistant body with a one-year real warranty for unconditional parts. And the hatch percentage is over 90%.
Accepting repairs and upgrading and replacing parts of your device, for hatching with high efficiency as soon as possible
Manufacture and sale of machine installments with employee check or valid check and with advance payment of half in cash and the rest in one to three months check.
Gharb Joche devices are only made to order and generally have a hatch percentage of 90% or higher
Please call for consultation and order
This post is written by sanaati55