Today, November 12, 1402, the official judicial expert exam of 1402 was held – the center of lawyers, official experts and family advisors of the judiciary.
Some questions of the 108 agriculture and natural resources exam were as follows.
Booklet code: E 608
11- Which animal is better grown in high and cool areas?
12- Which clover should be harvested first?
13- Burning plant remains causes which case?
14- In climate studies, the length of the dry season with
Which method is determined?
15- What is the type of inflorescence in the Achillea plant and which family does it belong to?
16- What is the appropriate management action to control the permitted exploitation limit?
17- Which option is the result of increasing the amount of nitrogen in the plant?
18- Which feature is considered by determining soil texture?
19- What is the order of alkaline soil correction operations?
20- What is a fruit without pollination?
26- Which food element causes late ripening of crops in hot and dry areas?
29- The best time to harvest root cuttings?
37- Which of the following is the first mineral form of nitrogen in the decomposition process of plant material?
38- What does Permeability mean in relation to water and soil?
41- Who presented the law “any substance whose temperature is higher than absolute zero (-273) emits energy from itself”?
42- Which element is not among the essential elements of the plant, and the presence of any amount of it in the composition of complete chemical fertilizer may lead to consumer complaints?
43- In terms of agriculture, which is the best and worst type of soil structure?
45- Which element is most likely to be deficient in acidic soils?
46- What is the lowest level of soil classification called?
49- Which of the following is the best type of springs in terms of water supply?
50- What is the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the channel to the width of the water level called?
51- In which method is the amount of evaporation and transpiration measured directly?
52- Advantages of neutron meter?
55- When the scope of the work is so wide that assuming flatness causes a large error in the mapping results, which method is used in this case?
56- What is the angle that the geographic north makes with AB in the clockwise direction?
57- Which of the following devices is used to create horizontal extension?
58- Geographical north is indicated by which sign?
59- The area of the land is 1/2000 on the map, it is 6 cm, how many square meters is the real area on the ground?
60-16 degrees and 17 minutes is equivalent to how many degrees.
Total number of questions: 60 questions
Number of general questions: 10 questions
The test had a negative score.
Response time: 100 minutes
Year 1402
This post is written by Shadi134723