Travel allowance + shipment with guarantee
The highest possible rate
Istanbul airport transfer
back and forth
around the clock
Testing at home by the hospital
Approved by the Ministry of Health and all airlines
Travel allowance to Shiraz
Istanbul, Tabriz
Istanbul, Mashhad
Istanbul to Tehran 3,000,000 tomans
Thirty kilos of counters
Cabin and counter
Please coordinate 48 hours in advance to make a reservation
Shipping cargo and customized packages
by air
Dear colleagues, online shops and those who intend to send goods to Iran
Sending loads of clothes, bags and shoes and guaranteed delivery every week
⏳ in the shortest possible time
From Türkiye to Iran
And vice versa
Paying the highest travel cost for freight
Contact through WhatsApp Telegram IMO
For access to other routes and detailed information about prices, visit the site
Instagram refahgashtiran
Online shopping site
www.Refahgasht. .com
Choose the convenience of shopping with Iran’s Refah Gosht application
This post is written by Refahgashtiran2014