Turkey stew is one of the best and tastiest traditional dishes, the addition of pomegranate paste improves its taste. In this recipe, you will learn how to prepare turkey stew with delicious pomegranate paste, friends.
Iranians are used to using chicken, sheep and veal meat, but recently turkey meat has also been added to the basket of Iranian households. In foreign cultures, turkey is served as a special dish in ceremonies and occasions, but in Iran it is welcomed because of the belief that turkey meat is healthier and has better properties than red meat.
Turkey meat includes white and red meat. 65% of turkey meat is white (breast area) and 35% is dark (thigh area). The meat of the breast and wings is white and delicious and tastes like veal. The meat of the thighs is very soft and has a taste similar to the meat of wild or hunting birds.
Turkey meat is slow-cooked compared to chicken meat, also the thigh part is slow-cooked compared to the breast and has more fat, and for people who gain weight and are worried about calories, turkey breast meat is more suitable.
This dish is suitable for 5 people, the preparation time is 30 minutes, and the cooking and waiting time is about 3 hours.
Chopped grilled chicken breast meat into pieces according to consumption
150 grams of ground walnuts
Roasted white sesame as desired
Medium onion 1 large
Pomegranate paste 1 glass
Grated pumpkin 1 cup instead of carrot and yellow apple
Melted saffron 1/2 tablespoon
2 glasses of sugar
Salt, turmeric as needed
Oil as needed
Dry mint as desired
How to prepare turkey stew with pomegranate paste
Cut the turkey breast meat into grilled chicken.
Fry the onion, add the turkey pieces and fry until it changes color and then add a little turmeric.
Add two glasses of water and let it cook.
Grate the pumpkin and fry it with a little oil, when the chicken is half cooked, add the pumpkin to it.
Then grind the roasted sesame and add it to the stew.
Add the ground walnuts to the stew and let the stew cook on medium heat.
When the turkey meat is fully cooked, add the pomegranate paste to the stew.
When you add the pomegranate paste, stir first and close the pot and do not stir the stew for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, add sugar to the stew.
Half an hour after adding sugar, the stew is ready
Ironi cook channel
This post is written by Chef110110