Unhealthy corporate cultures
Corporate cultures are different, therefore corporate cultures are divided into two types of unhealthy cultures and high performance cultures. Naturally, the characteristics of an unhealthy corporate culture are the presence of destructive cultural influences that have adverse effects on the atmosphere and performance of the organization. 4 common and major effects of unhealthy cultures include:
A strongly internal political environment, strong opposition to change and conservativeness of employees, the attitude that such and such cannot be implemented in our organization, and they do not pay attention to the outside of the company and modeling, and the last thing is the lack of attention to high ethical standards.
1- Politicized culture
It is caused by unfriendly political disputes and competitions, which wastes a significant amount of the organization’s energy and often causes the strategic issues and plans of the company to retreat in front of political maneuvers. In this situation, managers who try to gain more power are looking for their own issues and the positions they adopt are usually aimed at supporting or developing their territory.
2- Cultures resistant to change
They cause the appearance of some undesirable or unhealthy behaviors. Risk aversion, delay and hesitancy in pursuing new opportunities and widespread unwillingness to continuously improve in performing value chain activities are examples of undesirable behaviors. These companies are not interested in being pioneers and first movers. Most of them tend to move forward with patience and wait and learn from the mistakes of the early pioneers. Mostly, these companies have multi-layered bureaucracy.
3- Insular and introverted cultures
This type of culture is created in a company that has been leading the market for a long time or has achieved great success in the market, and this makes its employees believe that they have the answers to all problems. There is a strong tendency to ignore what customers say and change their needs and expectations. They see no point in testing and searching for better ideas. The big risk of this type of thinking is underestimating the competitors’ merits and the company overestimating its own progress.
4 immoral and greedy cultures
Companies with this type of culture do not pay much attention to ethical standards and are run by greedy managers and should expect to face financial and moral scandals.
In fact, the most obvious factor that distinguishes successful culture change efforts from unsuccessful ones is the presence of competent and competent leadership at the head of the organization. To create cultural changes and overcome resistance, a lot of power is needed, which is only available to the most important senior managers, especially the CEO.
The steps involved in changing a wrong culture are:
1- Identifying the aspects of the current culture that cause the correct implementation of the strategy and the aspects that prevent the correct implementation of the strategy.
2- Defining and specifying the desirable aspects of the new culture or important actions and behaviors in the new culture
3- Explaining the problems of the current culture and how new behaviors improve performance
4- Pursuing visible and strong measures to establish a new set of behaviors, practices and cultural norms.
This post is written by Rimaazz1