Very important tips for final exam candidates
Download the meeting admission card in one of the following systems
Identify the exam venue the night before so that you don’t have any problem finding the address on the first day.
Enter the test area with appropriate clothing (school uniform).
It is recommended to answer with black or blue pen according to the electronic correction.
card number; Your seat number and answer sheet number must be the same, if there is a discrepancy, inform the area officials.
Avoid scratches.
Write clearly and legibly.
Don’t be in a hurry to submit the paper.
Read the questions carefully and answer according to the wording.
Check all the question sheets to make sure there are no answers left.
Have time management, the exam session will end on the hour.
Eat a light dinner the night before the exam and wake up two hours earlier in the morning after having breakfast; Be present in your area half an hour before the start of the exam.
Attend the meeting calmly with trust in God and trust in your knowledge.