Ways to live a happier life

Ways to live a happier life

be thankful

Happy people are not necessarily smart or rich people in the society, but their main characteristic is that they are mostly grateful for their possessions and events around them.

Exercise and do yoga daily

You don’t need to run two marathons every day to reap the benefits of exercise. Even exercising for a few minutes and doing a short physical activity (such as dancing and doing yoga) releases certain chemicals in the brain that will make you feel happy and satisfied.

Have a healthy diet.

Although there is no such thing as a “happy diet”, eating healthy foods and fresh vegetables can make a person feel better. People who have a healthy diet are less likely to suffer from depression

Express your feelings

Touching and hugging others naturally releases the “feel good” hormone in the body and makes you feel better about life and your surroundings. Also, good relationships with love in couples are among the things that increase sexual health and mental health.

Help others

Helping others and participating in charity work even for a short period of time (for example, 2 hours a week) increases feelings of happiness and usefulness. This is the reason why people who have the spirit of helping each other usually have a happier life

listen to music

Listening to healthy music can boost a person’s mood, and as a result, you will feel happier. Of course, the choice of music should be done wisely. Just as good music can be uplifting, inappropriate music can also destroy the mood and increase depression.

This post is written by erfani777