What is the mafia? Mafia is called groups in the shadow


What is #mafia? Mafia is a shadowy group that claws at the financial, commercial and industrial networks of a country in the form of an octopus. With their unlimited wealth, mafias try to impose their will on politicians and get the support of politicians from the wealth network. To create iron immunity for themselves


The members of the oil mafia have been identified for many years, but they have so much power to maneuver in oil and are connected to big powers that no one dares to approach them because dealing with them will even lead to life injuries for those who come across them, these statements of Naib He is the head of the parliament’s energy commission, which he mentioned in an interview with Baharnews


Homayoun Yousefi, a member of the Parliament’s Health Commission, told ILNA: The drug mafia is seeking to monopolize the drug market worth 2,400 billion tomans in the country. Drugs are not found either


Taqi Bahrami, the secretary of the Central Council of the House of Industry and Mining, said: The mafia of importing low-quality clothes into the country has prevented the modernization plan of the textile industry from being fruitful.


Shahriar Msheiri welcomed the plan to remove Konkor and said: Despite the claims of some, the plan to remove Konkor can be implemented easily, but the Konkor mafia and schools related to this market prevent this plan from being carried out.


Tea is one of the most consumed products in the country, and there are significant capacities for its production inside, but the tea mafia, by importing this product both legally and illegally, has caused stagnation in domestic production, bankruptcy of tea factories, and storage of tea produced by farmers.


The representative of the people of Bushehr in the parliament said: The presence of the water mafia has caused the Kausar water transmission line to remain half-completed in Asaluyeh because they see this plan in conflict with their personal interests!!

In case of dealing with the car mafia, pride is 20 million tomans

Seyyed Javad Hosseinikia, a member of the Board of Directors of the Parliament’s Industries and Mines Commission, has stated that the country’s automobile industry has been inflamed by a broker mafia, in which some of the automobile manufacturers are also involved. Also, in the event of decisive action against the inflammatory factors and the execution of four major car industry mafia, the price of Pride will return to 20 million tomans.

Of course, he mentioned the big bank loans mafia, the housing mafia that caused the housing price to multiply in a short period of time, the printing mafia, the mafia of mobile phone importers, the iron and construction materials mafia, the car mafia and dozens of other mafias. Common to all the mentioned mafias is to get huge profits and worsen the economic situation of a large group of people.

The basic question is that in a country whose security forces are so strong that they check everything from airborne particles to the contents of all Telegram channels, how come all these mafias are running wild and no one has anything to do with them? Our poor people who live with all these mafias!!

This post is written by Hassangh44