What men hide from their wives

What men hide from their wives

Men also sometimes feel insecure about their appearance
Maybe you put on an attractive outfit after an exercise class and ask her to tell you what she thinks. But men won’t wait for you to judge their fitness. Men always want to know if they are still attractive to you. All men show that they are confident and secure, but they always need to know that they are still attractive to you. That’s why it is always better for women to verbally tell their husbands that he is still an attractive man. Tell him why you think you are happy with him. Although they may pretend that they don’t care at all, they actually absorb your word for word with their soul.

Men do not know how to express their feelings

Mentally, men are less emotional than women and usually cannot easily talk about their worries. Of course, it’s not because they don’t have feelings, it’s because they’ve usually been taught to deal with such problems on their own and not express it; They always hear “A man who doesn’t cry!”

So don’t be surprised if he can’t easily tell you that he’s really upset after an argument or because you’re working late. On the other hand, this man may feel that his concerns and worries have been ignored, which can affect his mood.
What can be done now? A woman can only be encouraging and patient. Express your feelings clearly and wait for him to open up and try to help him express his feelings.

Men depend heavily on you

Men can easily assume the role of supporter and provider. But only a few of them accept the help of others. Even if this support is from their spouse. Men have many friends at work or club, but it is rare that they have a friend who understands all their feelings and understands them completely. Men really like to rely on the support of their wives but at the same time they don’t like to appear weak.

Therefore, don’t forget to be your husband’s lover, wife and best friend. Remember to ask him questions about work issues or ask him to talk to you about his issues. If you think she’s stressed, tell her she can talk to you, even if she says it’s okay at first. Listen fully when he talks and don’t be afraid to respond.

I was his best friend, your honest and positive feedback is the most important part.

Men also enjoy being hugged

He may not even be in the mood for sex, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you to hug and caress him. Men, like women, enjoy being hugged and caressed. You can do this more often. Hold her hands, caress her shoulders, snuggle up to her while she sleeps. Maybe sex sometimes happens, but just holding her hands or touching her shoulders can be the strength of heart she needs.

This post is written by Sara_b_h