What should we eat during pregnancy so that our child becomes #beautiful and #smart?
We all know that the diet of a pregnant woman affects the physical development of her fetus, but did you know that the food a mother eats also affects her child’s intelligence?
As a mother and child, you must be sure that the food you eat provides the necessary energy and resources for the growth of your fetus.
Here is a list of things to do before and during pregnancy.
1- Supplements containing folic acid before pregnancy
Taking #folic_acid_supplements before pregnancy is mandatory for every woman who wants to get pregnant. Folic acid is a very important substance that plays a role in the formation of brain cells.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that women who took folic acid 4 weeks before and 8 weeks after pregnancy were 40% less likely to give birth to mentally unhealthy children.
Natural sources of folic acid are #spinach, #lentils and #cereals.
2- Omega-3 rich foods
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for building nerve cells.
Nerve cells send nerve messages from the brain to different parts of the body.
Omega-3 food sources are: #fish, #eggs, #walnuts, #red meat, #spinach, #beans.
3- Fruits and vegetables
There are substances called free radicals. These substances can damage different parts of the fetus’s body, including the brain.
You should eat foods rich in antioxidants to fight these free radicals.
Antioxidant is against free radicals and destroys them.
There are various foods that are rich in antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals and ensure the health of the fetal brain: #tomatoes, all green vegetables, #blackberries.
Of course, you should wash them well before using them.
4- Foods rich in iron
#Iron plays an important role in transferring oxygen to the fetus.
Unfortunately, many women suffer from iron deficiency.
Iron consumption can have an effect on increasing the child’s intelligence.
Foods rich in iron include: #meat, #legumes.
5- Filled foods
During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs more protein to make hormones that promote fetal growth.
For this reason, you should increase your protein intake to 10 grams per day. Meat and beans are good sources of protein.
6- Pay attention to your thyroid
When some women get pregnant, their thyroid problems may increase, which can cause damage to the fetus.
Hypothyroidism can cause a child’s IQ to decrease.
Researchers do not recommend thyroid screening for all pregnant women, but if someone is prone to thyroid diseases, they need to do simple thyroid tests.
7- Establish an emotional bond with your fetus
Talking to the fetus may seem a bit silly, but scientists tell us that the #fetus inside the womb can hear our voice and react to it.
You can talk to the baby inside your stomach for days, sing to him. Recent mother and child studies have shown that children who heard their mother’s voice in the fetus were calmer when they were children.
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