What the hand of the dictator
Does it close?
Mohammad Hossein Karimipour
I have a knowledgeable and experienced friend. Except middle-aged and polite, all his features read stories with a wise old owl. defined:
“It took many years for me to step up from being an undergraduate in a small company belonging to a large holding to becoming the head of the holding. I spent several years trying to improve the situation. More profit and fewer problems. The assembly was satisfied. But I knew that old structure would not last in the new world. I chose a consultant and prepared a plan for a fundamental corporate revolution. I spent a lot of time and accompanied each and every influential member of the assembly with this radical program. When the assembly came together and demanded, I called the change of management as the condition for the success of this program. Everyone was against it. They thought it would be better for me to implement this program myself. I explained to them that this is impossible. I said that the implementation of this program requires the change of many high and middle managers who do not have enough ability and skills for the new world. It also affects the interests of some economic actors related to the collection. These are my 20-year-old friends. The wife of this dear deputy (who has two years left until her retirement and has a lot of installments) was introduced to her by my lady. The children of that sweet girl call me uncle. The one who, at my persuasion, built factories whose raw materials were our waste, and now he is going to be miserable. I cannot close my eyes to the lamentation of these people to promote the holding’s interest. If I do this, the communication network and the credibility of my manager will be so disturbed that I will be out of work! The implementation of the revolution is the work of someone who is not tied to the history of a thousand paragraphs.
It is the same in politics. Studying what is left of Mohammad Reza shows that he was not unfamiliar with the idea of the need for a deep transformation in the rules, relationships and governance team. He wished to have a better and more efficient government. But even when he had a suitable transformation in the program, he was so considerate towards the prominent people and the network of benefit sharing that often the reform, full of exceptions, remains ineffective.
There are rare cases of dictators who rebelled against their corrupt system and paid the price of this rebellion for the benefit of the country by giving up power. General Jarozleski, the last communist ruler of Poland, was one of these rare men. The powerful commander of the army was made the head of the government to crush the movement. After the massacre, he recognized the action of the people against the party’s absolute rule and arranged free elections. The opponents of communism were so mature that they nominated the general himself to prevent civil war. Jarozleski became the first president of freed Poland. But a year later, he voluntarily resigned and renewed the elections. Perhaps he knew that he could not govern a country where millions of old communists consider him the reason for the cancellation of their privileges.
I brought these stories to remind you that the old dictator, in front of the leading figures and groups of his government, is a prisoner of considerations of the distribution of power and wealth, which he himself participated in the gradual construction of. A king who does not depend on the people relies on generals, judges, bureaucrats and sheikhs. He sees the perpetuation of his dominance in the perpetuation of the tangled network of their privileges. The king becomes a prisoner of the thiolat network of his power. In the cloak of monarchy, political economy does the work of the soul. The rest is nothing more than skin and bones.
As a rule, the veteran architect of the cage, who sees the basis of his power in the durability of individual bars and chains and knows nothing but these calculations, will not want to tin cage. Among the dictators, Mohammad Reza Ghazale and Yarozelski are exceptions.
This post is written by monese_ghamgosar