What to do to prevent cheating on the wife

What should we do to prevent wife cheating?

1. Strengthen your communication skills

Many betrayals are due to ignorance. We can boldly say that no skill is as important as effective communication techniques in business, social and family life. One of the most important skills is good listening skills.
Practicing the skill of listening to your spouse and being a good listener. Being a listener is not enough. Listening requires paying attention to all aspects of the other party’s communication, such as his body language, tone of voice, identifying his partner’s feelings and needs through listening. This is one of the most important techniques to prove the importance and attention to your spouse.

2- Learn problem solving skills

Learning problem-solving skills instead of running away from life’s problems will reduce marital infidelity. In order to treat marital infidelity, both parties should be involved in solving the problem. Infidelity can be prevented by helping couples to identify their physical and psychological needs, sharing their needs with their partners, analyzing the causes and influencing factors, and teaching them solutions to the problem. Instead of running away from problems, you should learn problem solving skills.

3. Be intimate

The most important motivation of men and women who are drawn to extramarital relationships is to re-experience personal and sexual intimacy, because in such a relationship, none of the parties engage in fault-finding, blaming, and threatening each other. So, substitute intimacy and friendship for behaviors based on control such as blaming, punishing, etc. Try to understand him in deeper layers. Spouses who remember each other’s positive qualities and don’t attribute each other’s negative points to the whole personality and make more efforts to change their weaknesses are less likely to face this crisis. Keeping your spouse’s secrets and weaknesses confidential is one of the signs of a successful relationship.

4. Create equal power

Today, many women have a high social, financial, and educational status, and this makes them feel empowered. In the workplace and society, they feel useful and powerful, but in the home environment, they should be dominant. It is better to care about your wife’s independence and give her the power to make decisions.

5. Do not change your spouse
It is better to understand that men and women are different and you and your spouse have different needs, desires, interests and tastes. So don’t try to avoid being alone by making your wife look like you. Differences drive evolution. Accept your wife as she is. Respect the differences and strengthen and grow yourself with their help.

6. Be grateful:

It is not bad to know that among all the reasons that may make your spouse unhappy with you, 54% of cases point to their spouse’s ungratefulness. Statistics show that 12% of spouses’ aggression and 11% consider the lack of necessary conditions to discuss real emotions and feelings as the reason for emotional separation. The lack of common values ​​and interests is in the next ranks. These statistics show that the most important difference between the third person and you is his behavior, which makes your wife feel more desirable and lovable, so before it’s too late, make her feel this way.

This post is written by Fatemeqavidell