What trade seal 1398/09/17

Kia Tejarat Mehr 1398/09/17

#Soybean instant loading meal, 2475 tons of Naveed soybeans, Bandar Imam, 2275 tons of Indian soybeans, 2420 tons of Etka soybeans, Khoramshahr, 2610 tons, 1835 tons of Karaj rapeseed, 1790 tons of Behpak rapeseed, 1770 tons of #Kanadian_soybeans Imam 2430
Sales unit contact
071-3641 7291
0912 723 7702
0917 395 9904
Financial unit and fax
071-5800 8217
0917 392 7730
071-3641 1650 FAX

This post is written by kiatejaratt