“White Nano Masterbatch”

“White Nano Masterbatch”

The first and only nano-grade white mastic produced in the country, which is provided by the design and use of nanotitanium and nanomodified titanium and the spreading feature of nanoassist polymer process, nanowax, superwax and maleic wax, which are all our inventions and inventions.

Top features:
Excellent spread and coverage / improvement of mechanical physical resistance / improvement of smoothness and uniformity of the surface / increase of gloss and polish of the surface / durability of color against ultraviolet rays / in addition to benefiting from antioxidant properties

The lowest percentage of consumption compared to the usual examples in the market

For the first time in the country
Has an exclusive patent
A product of the Dr. Allman brand (Baspar Fekor Nano Science and Technology Company)


Additional product information link:
http://www.nanobaspar.com/%D8%B1%D8%B7%D9%88%D8%A8%D8%AAportfolio-item/%d9%86%d8%a7%d9%86%d9%88% d8%b3%d9%81%db%8c%d8%af