Why is ESR high?

Why is ESR high?

Usually, the red blood cells in a test tube slowly move down and settle, and the clear plasma remains at the top of the test tube. An increase in the level of abnormal proteins and other types of proteins, including acute phase reactive proteins in the blood, increases the sedimentation rate of red blood cells and, as a result, increases ESR.

Doctors consider the ESR test to be a non-specific test because it only confirms the presence of inflammation in the body, and they usually take help from specialized clinical tests and patient records in addition to the ESR test to diagnose the disease.
Inflammation is usually caused by biological conditions and diseases such as infection, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Doctors also use the ESR test to follow the progress of the disease or to check the response to treatment in the following conditions.

• Rheumatoid arthritis: an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation in the joints
• Temporal arthritis: a type of inflammation of blood vessels
• Systemic vasculitis: inflammation of blood vessel layers
This article mentions the importance of ESR testing and how different diseases affect its level.

Red blood cells grow faster in people with inflammatory conditions. These conditions increase inflammation in the body, which leads to an increase in the amount of proteins in the blood. This increase causes red blood cells to stick together and increase its sedimentation rate.
The normal level of ESR is 1-13 mm/hr in men and 1-20 mm/hr in women, which can vary according to the age of people.

What is the sign of decreasing and increasing the amount of sodium?
Low sodium levels can be a sign of the following conditions:
• Tuberculosis anemia: disease affecting the appearance of red blood cells
• Leukemia: cancer of blood cells
• High number of red blood cells
• Congenital heart failure
• Low levels of fibrinogen protein in the blood
• Too many white blood cells

An increase in the amount of sodium slightly higher than usual can be due to the following diseases:
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Anemia: decrease in the number of red blood cells
• Thyroid diseases
• kidney Diseases
• Abnormality of red blood cells remained microcytosis
• Some types of cancer such as lymphoma
• Lung infection such as tuberculosis
• Bone infection
• Heart infection
• Systemic infection
Very high sodium levels, which include sodium levels above 100 mm/hr, can be a sign of the following conditions:
• Multiple myeloma
• Macroglobulinemia Waldenström cancer of white blood cells
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Vasculitis: It is a reaction to an allergen that causes inflammation of the blood vessels.
Doctors usually compare the result of ESR test with other specialized tests of the patient to confirm their diagnosis.
The characteristics of blood can change under the influence of conditions, as a result, the rate of deposition of blood cells in a blood sample is affected and changed. Therefore, ESR test results may be affected by other diseases and conditions.

These factors include:
– Diabetes
-Heart disease
When interpreting the results of the test, the doctor pays attention to these masking factors and considers their effect on the result of sodium quantification.

This post is written by jm30303030