With a detailed field investigation of this big challenge, we realize that some of the most important reasons and factors for reducing the acceptance of doctors to continue their education in specialized and subspecialized fields are the inappropriate structure, method and process of admission, specialized assistant – very low income of assistants – determining the ceiling and Unfair ladder for efficient payment to doctors, which is directly related to the professional and real work of the doctor. 35% tax paid by doctors working in the public sector compared to 10% tax by the same doctors in the private sector – the difference between the professional component of the service tariff in the public and private sectors.
Undoubtedly, the occurrence of this complication leads to irreparable consequences, the most important of which are the emptying of health centers and hospitals in areas deprived of specialist doctors – the lack of acceptance of specialist doctors to join the academic staff – the occurrence of many problems for doctors in providing expenses Normal life – creation of grounds for migration from inside the country to abroad, from deprived areas to privileged areas of the country, from the public sector to the private sector and from the health sector to other economic sectors – leaving the potential capacities of universities empty for training specialist doctors – reducing services in Public sector and referral of patients to the private sector – the loss of great achievements in health and treatment services and jeopardizing the status and dignity of the country’s health system at the international level.
According to the above and according to discussion and exchange of opinions with colleagues and experts in economic sciences, management and health system, I offer solutions to deal with this dangerous phenomenon.
Modifying the admission structure and the method of assistantship examination and at the same time modifying assistantships’ salary (salary and benefits) equivalent to the minimum salary of an official employee
Removing the tiered payment method and setting a ceiling on the amount of doctors’ fees and replacing it with a performance-based payment percentage that is subject to clinical guidelines, standard guidelines for examination, diagnosis, treatment and care of the disease.
Converting the stepped tax from 35% to 10% (equality of private and public sector tax) on full-time geographic condition
Buying the services of full-time geographical doctors in universities is equivalent to 2.6k and for doctors located in underprivileged areas with 2k and specially disadvantaged with 4k under the condition of full-time geographic
Paying low-interest loans to doctors and other medical staff, according to the coefficient of the region and the doctor’s performance, from 4 to 12 percent.
Sincerely, Dr. Hassan Ali Shahriari, Chairman of the Commission
This post is written by mo_h_3e_n