With Daewoo TV model 42F8000, which stays on the Smart Tv logo for a few minutes until it turns off.

With the Daewoo TV model 42F8000, which stays on the Smart Tv logo for a few minutes until it turns off.
Finally, after trying and testing dozens of times, the problem was finally solved and it was finally updated. After dozens of attempts
Let me tell you one thing, I was waiting for the frame or according to my friends Rabat, which is upgrading for example
But once I saw the Doo logo come and go
The Smart TV logo has arrived
As before, but with one difference, the previous blue background was ice white this time
I said that no upgrade box came
The Smart TV logo was visible, it took less than 2 minutes and it went to the blue background for the channels, there it showed settings and then the no signal box appeared.
Next, I did a factory reset
I installed an antenna
Channel search brought up the channels in less than 30 seconds.
the same month

The quality of the picture is excellent, only when changing the channel, the screen is blue in the eyes until the new channel comes

Note regarding repair

The 10-part file must be downloaded
Transfer Master UPGERED file without folder inside flash memory

This is very important

Of the three USB ports
The middle port, which is USB3, differs from the others in that the body color of this port is sky blue
This port could run the file.
How to upgrade the recipe
Unplug the TV
Connect the mentioned flash memory to the mentioned port.
In some TVs, it may be possible to hold other buttons to work, but in this TV 42F8000

Hold the volume up button
Connect the plug to the power outlet
Here still hold the volume up button on the TV body and at the same time
Power button
Press the remote control.
The TV turns on
(There are two logos on these TVs
Logo of the manufacturer
Logo of the model or characteristic of the TV
For example, this TV is a smart type
As a result, the Smart TV logo will appear)
By turning on
Here you have to
Release the volume up button.
Important note:
Previously, I tried to upgrade all three ports with all kinds of tricks and holding the buttons
But I was not successful every time
He made several mistakes

Green and red lights flash one after the other

The green light on the TV turned on, but nothing came up
Or only the backlight was turned on

Either it stays on the same Doo logo or then the Doo logo becomes standby

Be sure to try and you will succeed.

Greetings, engineer Mirzaei admin
Arias Electronics Academy Group
on whatsapp
And also
Specialized channel
Bertash TV Academy in Telegram
Thank you very much

This post is written by sajjadmirzaee