Greetings and have a good time, to the esteemed professionals of the ostrich industry, especially those engaged in breeding and keeping chickens, productive and fattening ostriches.
Considering the beginning of the production season and the importance of achieving the maximum production of eggs, especially fertile eggs and chicks with the least occurrence of the problem of dead puppies, therefore, Arin Pejoh company with a long history in the production of feed and concentrate for productive and fattening ostriches during the previous year and this year after From conducting extensive studies of human and animal scientific resources as well as field research, he produced a very effective herbal premix on mating behaviors and enhancing fertility in breeding roosters, considering its positive effects on the above in the production season of the previous year. (especially in heat stress conditions) is currently ordered again by some productive farms and is being used. Therefore, the above steps were shared to remind the hardworking farmers of productive ostriches. In this way, with the permission of the respected admins of the group, in addition to uploading the general list of products of Arin Pejoh company, the catalog of Arin’s specialized ostrich concentrates and the Fertility Enhancement Premix brochure of this company will be presented.
Wishing success and health to all dignitaries
Please contact us for additional explanations and any specialized questions.
Devoted – Kayseri
PhD in Poultry Nutrition