Your mind can even influence your genes

Your mind can even influence your genes.

Numerous researches show that your mind can even influence genes and activate or deactivate them. This means that those who considered their genetic characteristics to be the main cause of their current problems or diseases, must gradually look for other excuses.

You can even change the state of genes.

1. New research shows that your dominant thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitude towards life affect your genetic codes and the physical structure of your body. Another interesting research shows that when a child is adopted by a family, even though he has no genetic or blood relation with them, he is still prone to the same diseases that were common in that family. The reason for this is that he is placed in the aura and energy field of this family and takes their beliefs and way of looking at life. And thought waves affect everything.

2. Dr. Lipton is a pioneer in the application of the principles of quantum physics in the field of cell biology. While the common science of cell biology focuses on the common laws of the physical world governing the functioning of molecules, Dr. Lipton’s work focuses on the mechanisms in which energy, in the form of human beliefs, thoughts and emotions, biology, and even code Genetics affects their body. Dr. Lipton briefly states that humans can control the activity of genes and change their body’s genetic codes through their beliefs. This research is very valuable because it reaffirms that your energy state, thoughts, feelings and beliefs can even change the physical structure of your body. Earlier, another research by Norman Doidge, published in the book The Brain That Changes Itself, showed that your dominant thoughts change the physical structure of your brain in a short period of time.
Send it to your friends so that they know that any problem can be changed, even problems and genetic characteristics, just make a decision.
