Zero to hundred dental equipment
cash and installments
Conditioned and used
Karen 509 seat unit (24V motor and hose tablet from above)
1- Chair and unit with very ergonomic design of joints and arms made of stainless steel
2- One-piece injection and vacuum covers of the best type of ABS
3- Box and rack with 90 degree wheel capability
4- Variable light LED lamp equipped with Blue Cut filter to prevent the composite from being cured
5-Simultaneous control of the movement of the chair by the doctor’s tablet, the assistant’s tablet and the foot pedal
6-Assistant tablet equipped with suction hose for saliva removal and surgery
7- Availability of all filters for easy cleaning
8- Doctor’s stool with a very ergonomic design, comfortable and suitable for long work
9-Equipped with a separate sewage box
10- Ability to install a water heater
11- It has an emergency water tank system
12-Crusher made of anti-scratch porcelain
13-smart salt bowl
14-Equipped with a very efficient monitor arm for all types of monitor installation and All in one pc up to 24 inches with predetermined connections.
15- Setting the time of the kettle and the glass filler
16- 6-purpose pedal
This post is written by alirezaara11033